Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Sketches

Not really new... new to you. I made/used this to help conceptualize and produce the maya project.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Digital Arts Project 3

I go into detail my reasons for choosing digital arts as my major, on the sheet itself. But long story short I'm fascinated with the possibilities that Render, animation and modeling hold. And I want this to be my main medium of exploration mainly because the diverse opportunities the field holds. So I want the full foundational experience with maya, so I thought what held geometric aspects that would be easy for a complete newcomer to the field to emulate while still retaining a resemblance to organic shape and structure? LEGO PEOPLE! So I'm going to setup up a scene that centers on lego people for my rendering project.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ideas for homemade edited video

A few days ago I was forced to watch a training video at my work. And thus spawned the idea of make an instructional video for the mundane. I'm not going to bring in some heavy conceptual idea to this. The video will purely be for the comical effect of heavy explanation on a completely simple and useless topic. I have yet to get the topic of my instructional video, but I'm fairly sure by Monday I will have a storyboard in process or done detailing how the video will be shot and script.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Explanation of Photoshop piece

The 5 images I submitted for the photoshop project are the panals from the first page of the prologue of my comic. Seeing how I am creating a narrative, that is comical in nature, but has an underlying message about the american society and our pointless titles that we give each other, all inside what I hope is a entirely unqiue visual style all my own. So I wanted to establish the exbisition of my world that the storty is going to be told in, So thats why I started the first panal with a grand sweeping view of the narrative's solar system, and gradual moved in closer throughtout the 5 panals until we get to the grass ground where we see my main character's feet and the door of the town that starts him on his isnane quest for cake. All while keepin the sun infocus to keep the scale of where we started and were we ended up from the 5 panals. Also Since the comic started with a grand sweeping view I wanted a wide panal. and since we got closer the scale got smaller the panals themeselves got smaller to help carry the fact that we are getting closer to our target dot that you can see in each panal.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Digital Arts 24 Refference Images

I created 24 images, to help me brainstorm possible storyline, characters, and places for my characters to interact with to create an interesting comic, that is both stylistic and funny.

Monday, December 10, 2007



The above is a link to my 2-D Foundations art project. Sorry I couldn't post the actual flash file but blogger doesn't seem to support the file format. Our guidelines on this project were to explore the mediums in which we use to escape reality with a heavy emphasis on color. So I tried to explain my point of view, how I see and understand color, through as many of these mediums that I possibly could. My original project idea was to make an installation piece, but difficulties arose. I truly feel that this version carries my meaning better, because I cover more mediums when this piece is on the internet and computer. We shot this in my room, because its green, it took use around 3 takes to get the take we used. This being the first time me and my friend used green screening we were not too sure what to expect. We learned a lot about adobe after effects, flash, sound booth. I really took time with this piece from the 2 week development idea, to the 33 or so hours put into production for this piece. And this piece only confirms that this is what I want to do for a living, as none of the work was to overly tedious. I had fun with this.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Artist Essay # 5

Today I’m going to talk Mark Dion as a artist and his ideas and meanings and how I see and understand them. Mark Dion is known in the world for his pieces that depict nature in a fleeting sort of way. By hanging rats on a tree he sees art. By hanging rats on a tree I can’t really see the meaning in it. And I can’t describe exactly what the piece makes me think of. It provokes questions of why are the rats covered in tar first before being hung on a tree. I know each piece of the art work has gone through sketches and books and all are there for a reason. But I’m having trouble formulating a single idea why anyone would want to look at that and take away some profound meaning. His other piece is a bit more pleasing to the eye and easier to unwrap. The tree in the machine controlled glass house is pretty neat. And I take away the idea that we are losing our selves to a world of machines and look at aging relics through glass windows such as a forest. Mark Dion is a unique individual, that’s for sure.