BRILLO what could possibly be definined from this piece? The definition of any piece can vary from person to person its what makes art so special and unique and great medium of expressionism. In this piece by Andy Warhol we are presented with Brillo soap pads. Now I’ve used Brillo and find them to do exceptional cleaning of dishes and pots and pans, but I think Andy’s meaning in this piece is a bit more complex than a great house hold cleaner. Could he be stating something about contemporary American women in this piece. That women are currently locked in their world of dish washing as a means of escape they turn to brillo to get the jobs done faster. Could he be saying that the world is running low on the brillo soap pads. Could it be that women deserve more than a square box of brillo soap. Could he be saying appreciate the women in your lives because where every they come from most men of Andy’s time period used to deem them nothing more than common house maids that raised children and washed dishes while the man works. Could he be saying that the brillo pads are becoming more rare in the fact that times are changing and women are taking new jobs of importance, and brillo should be in a museum, remnants of a lost society?
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