What better way than to talk about Positive/Negative Space than to critique my own work on the idea, and examine my own personal strength and weaknesses. In the piece I was mostly trying to convey my likes and dislikes. I wasn’t going for a protect the earth feel that many people associated with it, but if that’s what they took from it by all means build a more complex meaning than what it really is. I feel that my strength in the piece is the use of composition, I feel I arranged the piece in such a way that the flow of the piece is continuous and un interrupted without leading the viewer off the page or to a area of focus. But my weakness is in the heads of Gabe and Tycho I wasn’t thinking about Positive and Negative space in the pictures themselves a dumb mistake on my part, but it was the first few weeks in class. And this piece lead to what I feel is my strongest piece in which we looked at and reinforced Postivie/negative space again. That piece is the second piece that was due for class, I forget the assignment name unfortunelty. But I feel I learned and grew from this piece.
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