Tim Hawkinson is something completely original. Hard to define and new his pieces represent numerous ideas an thoughts. My favorite piece of his is the uberorgan, besides having the coolest name I have ever heard it something that’s hard to fathom. A huge organ that takes up a massive space with tubes of silicon and plastic surrounding and intertwining all over the building, until all the tubes and plastic fix to a central point in the building. A huge conveyer belt running up and down with a system running on black dots as signs and musical note for when to blow what horn and at what force. This piece tells me that no matter how big or complex a piece is, or anything that people make or ideas that people come up with. All those ideas, thought, art pieces spawn from a central idea. The Emotor something that carries with it meanings and the same time being overly complex and hard to describe. A face completely independtly moving with the help of motors hence eMOTOR. But the face takes light sources from around the room and makes a face in accordance to the light of the room in that particular moment in time. what I get from that image is that, emotion is a central meaning in our surroundings.
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