1. B
Both. Places can define us or we can alter a place how we see fit. The only question is how you see it. Will this place define you with the surrounding area that you adapt to the area? Or do you alter that area and make it as you see fit?
2 and 3.
Barry McGee art is shown on his surrounding areas. He likes to do most of his art in the form of graffiti, his artwork becomes his surrounding area. Barry McGee adapts to his place. Matthew Ritchie seems to make his own world. Complete with meanings and ideals surround and encompassing in and throughout. Building to complex levels of understanding and meaning each line representative of an idea, and some end some continue but in the end he determines where those lines go,end,start,length,width,color,hue,angle,shape,crossover,crossunder… he makes his place.
Tree hideout – Bright, Attic – boundless, Place under the stairs – Quiet, Tiny White Door – Mysterious, Randy’s Room - Smokey
The place that most interested me was the same place that terrified me. On the Westside of our house there is a tiny white latched door in the foundation cement of our house. It could be that it’s a wooden door inlaid in cement, it could be that the lock on the door was open rusted and forgotten. The door pealing in white chipped paint and creaks and cracks revealed darkness behind the door. The door seemed to be made for a child coming barely up to the bottom of my knee know. When I opened the door the darkness so thick the floor above so close to the uneven crumbed dirt. I couldn’t see more than 2-3 feet inside I still have never gone inside.… I still wonder what I would find under the house that was made in the 1830s…
1. I grew up with an unhealthy addiction to E.T. But that was more a sensational thing much like sponge bob is in today’s society. The one story that I’m sure everyone knows is that of Humpty Dumpty. It would stay in its story book form, much like it has been for centuries.
2. I have no idea. When we look at Humpty Dumpty it’s a twisted fucking story. Humpty a man made of what most believe to be an egg made of porcelain falls and dies, with no hope of reconstruction he dies, and the world keeps moving.
3. Sketchbook is the start of any idea, to be thrown away or developed. A sketch book is an idea sifter. Anything that expresses an idea or an feeling is an art piece, a sketchbook holds fragments of one days thoughts or years of development. A sketchbook is an work of art if the artist uses it for art proposes, to either: learn, express, practice, enhance, think, develop anything that helps one to explore and develop ideas about them and their world around them.
4. Young Self: Gonna play mega-man X, and Super Metriod and go see my friend Steve Whitenmier.
Self Now in Young Age: Gonna play mega-man X and Super Metriod, and save Steve from moving away where he gets a girl pregnant and moves out and files for bankruptcy at 18.