For my first assignment I will be writing about Norman Rockwell’s The Golden Rule. This piece really stood out to me first and for most because of the message it sends it viewer, which is obviously do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is a fantastic message about human peace, and loves thy brother. Now down to the elements of the piece. We are first and for most drawn to the little African American child who is placed very precisely in the center, contrasting the very bright cloth of the individuals behind him. He looks rather dirty and down trotted, which tells me he is in need of help. He doesn’t have a shirt own, so he doesn’t own very much, but yet he still holds that gold bowl like his offering it to us, wow humanity at its finest. Other aspects that stand out about this piece is the use of triangular hierarchy, in the contrasting white cloth wears. Not only is it contrasting the African boy by his at the base of the hierarchy which draws our eyes to him but also that the cloth wearers are also staring at him, which creates more invisible lines to the boy.
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