Ahh, Yes texture and its many various forms is a powerful tool indeed, one that can express a gamut of emotions. This is a desktop made by the fantastic artists at looking glass studio, and is a desktop for the game Bioshock. The large scale looking hand is one from a big daddy, who is the bouncer in the world of Bioshock. And the tiny clean, is from a little sister, a girl that pretty much once was a normal little girl but after a series of events ends up sucking the blood of the dead to produce a drug. It’s an original game for sure. Besides it being a remarkable achievement in rendering technology, what is the feeling this piece is conveying to us? I feel a dreading feeling like the pure has fallen to the dark; the righteous has become and joined forces with the twisted. The large, dark, brooding, slimy, dirty, hand, next to pale, innocent, small, makes for a very interesting contrast as well. Through the texture we learned all this, texture is a fascinating, and deep and powerful tool. One that when used properly can elevate any piece of art to new highs and extremes.
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