Not really new... new to you. I made/used this to help conceptualize and produce the maya project.
Today I’m going to talk Mark Dion as a artist and his ideas and meanings and how I see and understand them. Mark Dion is known in the world for his pieces that depict nature in a fleeting sort of way. By hanging rats on a tree he sees art. By hanging rats on a tree I can’t really see the meaning in it. And I can’t describe exactly what the piece makes me think of. It provokes questions of why are the rats covered in tar first before being hung on a tree. I know each piece of the art work has gone through sketches and books and all are there for a reason. But I’m having trouble formulating a single idea why anyone would want to look at that and take away some profound meaning. His other piece is a bit more pleasing to the eye and easier to unwrap. The tree in the machine controlled glass house is pretty neat. And I take away the idea that we are losing our selves to a world of machines and look at aging relics through glass windows such as a forest. Mark Dion is a unique individual, that’s for sure.